BEFORE YOUR HORSE ARRIVES… (Jesus says, “I go to prepare a place for you” – John 14:1-3) 

Have most of these items ready before you go pick up your new pal! All through the Holy Bible, the Lord encourages us to PREPARE and to be ready ahead of time for the things that matter most! He himself went before us and prepared a place for us in HEAVEN! As Christ as our example, it is of utmost importance that we do our due diligence to prepare a place at home for our horse as well! Gather up these things as you are getting ready for your special equine friend! 


Want to Find out more about this journey?

BEFORE YOUR HORSE ARRIVES (Jesus says, I go to prepare a place for you! - John 14:1-3)

YOUR FIRST WEEK (Love is patient, love is kind! - 1 Cor. 13:4)

YOUR FIRST MONTH (Some Trust in Chariots, and some in Horses; We trust in the name of the Lord! - Psalms 20:7)

YOUR FIRST SIX MONTHS (Leading a life of love means living a life of honesty, loyalty, patience, and compassion! - 1 Cor. 16:14)

YOUR FIRST FULL YEAR (There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven! - Ecc. 3:1)